Sunday, 27 November 2016

Best Ways to Deal with Skin Pigmentation!

One of the main issues that people have regarding their skin is Pigmentation. Skin pigmentation means uneven color throughout your skin. This uneven skin color is due to a pigment called Melanin. There are some special skin cells that produce the melanin. When these special cells become damaged or unhealthy, it affects the production of melanin. Sometimes it affects just patches of skin, while sometimes it affects the whole body.


Skin pigmentation can be due to different reasons. Some of them are:

•Hormonal Changes: Pregnancy, menopause and consumption of birth control pills can cause Skin    pigmentation in women. In other words, the change in the levels of estrogen and progesterone can  result in pigmentation since these hormones stimulate the production of melanin.

•Inflammation: Skin conditions like Eczema or Dermatitis also triggers the melanin production,  which further results in Skin pigmentation.

•UV exposure: Sunlight exposure is one of the major causes of Skin pigmentation. Melanin, the  pigment found in your skin naturally not just gives color to your skin, but also safeguard your skin  from UV exposure. The sunrays accelerate the production of melanin in the skin (both in the case of  men and women), and so your skin gets darker in the area where UV rays fall frequently.

•Mature Skin: With the growing age, the production of melanin becomes unstable. Thus, you find  skin patches- lighter skin in some areas while darker on the other.

•Genetics: Skin pigmentation can be genetic as well.

•Illness and Medications: If you are suffering from the deficiency of Vitamins, autoimmune system  or  proper digestive problem, you are likely to suffer from pigmentation. Similarly, if you are taking  medications like birth control pills, you can be a victim of uneven skin tone.

 To lower down the effect of Skin pigmentation, following the tips as given below:

•Avoid alcohol, sugar, coffee and other processed foods.

•Eat food items rich in Antioxidants such as Blueberries, Cranberries, Goji berries, Elderberries,  Matcha green tea and 70-80% dark chocolate. You can also consume food rich in Carotenoids like  dark leafy greens, carrots, sweet potatoes and capsicum.

•Wear full sleeves dress along with a Hat to keep yourself protected from harmful UV rays.

•You can also give a try to natural skin care products like Olive Skin Serum, Acai Berry Active  Antioxidant Serum, 2 in 1 Exfoliating Mask and Scrub, etc.

•Opt Chemical peels. This procedure allows you to clear the dead and damaged skin cells from your  body and allow the inner, glowing skin to come out. This treatment uses different chemical solutions  to deal with skin pigmentation and other concerned skin problems.


 To know further more details regarding Skin pigmentation or any other skin problem, consult with    our senior skin experts!